domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

CCIE R&S V5 1.0 Network Principles (Summary)

What is Cisco IOS XE?

IOS XE represents the continuing evolution of Cisco's pre-eminent IOS operating system. IOS XE is architected for routers, switches and appliances, leveraging the years of functionality that is provided by IOS, while adding new functionality and benefits from a POSIX environment. It provides a set of system services that are targeted at the integration of network-aware applications into the platform. IOS XE integrates a generic approach to network management into every function.
IOS XE also provides a development, build and release environment that will streamline efforts across the company by providing a single system meeting a variety of products.
The IOS XE architecture and well-defined set of APIs extend IOS to improve portability across platforms and extensibility outside IOS. This extensibility opens up to a whole new paradigm for application integration with IOS.
Why IOS XE? 

The IOS feature set for routing and switching is unmatched in the industry, delivering functionality required for business critical applications. Preserving these advantages of IOS to our customers is critical for Cisco.
IOS XE retains the exact same look and feel of IOS, while providing enhanced future-proofing and improved functionality. In IOS XE, IOS 15.0 runs as a single daemon within a modern Linux operating system. Additional system functions now run as additional, separate processes in the host OS environment. The operation, support and management of IOS XE does not require re-training from classic IOS.

Load-Balance With CEF

Unicast flooding due to asymmetric routing

Remember: In L3 Switches, the default ARP table aging time is 4 hours while the CAM holds the entries for only 5 minutes.

 Explain IP operations                

Comparación IPv4 vs Ipv6 Header.


Internet Protocol being a layer-3 protocol (OSI) takes data Segments from layer-4 (Transport) and divides it into packets. IP packet encapsulates data unit received from above layer and add to its own header information.

The encapsulated data is referred to as IP Payload. IP header contains all the necessary information to deliver the packet at the other end.

IP header includes many relevant information including Version Number, which, in this context, is 4. Other details are as follows:
·         Version: Version no. of Internet Protocol used (e.g. IPv4).
·         IHL: Internet Header Length; Length of entire IP header.
·         DSCP: Differentiated Services Code Point; this is Type of Service.
·         ECN: Explicit Congestion Notification; It carries information about the congestion seen in the route.
·         Total Length: Length of entire IP Packet (including IP header and IP Payload).
·         Identification: If IP packet is fragmented during the transmission, all the fragments contain same identification number. to identify original IP packet they belong to.
·         Flags: As required by the network resources, if IP Packet is too large to handle, these ‘flags’ tells if they can be fragmented or not. In this 3-bit flag, the MSB is always set to ‘0’.
·         Fragment Offset: This offset tells the exact position of the fragment in the original IP Packet.
·         Time to Live: To avoid looping in the network, every packet is sent with some TTL value set, which tells the network how many routers (hops) this packet can cross. At each hop, its value is decremented by one and when the value reaches zero, the packet is discarded.
·         Protocol: Tells the Network layer at the destination host, to which Protocol this packet belongs to, i.e. the next level Protocol. For example protocol number of ICMP is 1, TCP is 6 and UDP is 17.
·         Header Checksum: This field is used to keep checksum value of entire header which is then used to check if the packet is received error-free.
·         Source Address: 32-bit address of the Sender (or source) of the packet.
·         Destination Address: 32-bit address of the Receiver (or destination) of the packet.
·         Options: This is optional field, which is used if the value of IHL is greater than 5. These options may contain values for options such as Security, Record Route, Time Stamp, etc.

ICMP Destination Unreachable es un tipo de paquete ICMP cuya función es transportar un mensaje que es generado por un enrutador, y se envía al host de origen, que recibe el mensaje emitido por el enrutador.

 ICMP redirects

Cisco routers send ICMP redirects when all of these conditions are met:

Note: ICMP redirects are disabled by default if Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is configured on the interface. In Cisco IOS Software Release 12.1(3)T and later, ICMP Redirect is allowed to be enabled on interfaces configured with HSRP. For more information, refer to HSRP Support for ICMP Redirects section of Hot Standby Router Protocol Features and Functionality.

The Concept

IPv6 is using two distinct types of headers: Main/Regular IPv6 Header and IPv6 Extension Headers. The main IPv6 header is equivalent to the basic IPv4 one despite some field differences that are the result of lessons learned from operating IPv4. Figure 1 presents the IPv4 and IPv6 main headers.
Figure 1. IPv4 and IPv6 Headers

The options field in the IPv4 header is used to convey additional information on the packet or on the way it should be processed. Routers, unless instructed otherwise [1], must process the options in the IPv4 header. The processing of most header options pushes the packet into the slow path leading to a forwarding performance hit.
IPv4 Options perform a very important role in the IP protocol operation therefore the capability had to be preserved in IPv6. On the other hand, the impact of IPv4 Options on performance was taken into consideration in the development of IPv6. The functionality of options is removed from the main header and implemented through a set of additional headers called extension headers [2]. The main header remains fixed in size (40 bytes) while customized EHs are added as needed. Figure 2 shows how the headers are linked together in an IPv6 packet.
Figure 2. Chaining Extension Headers in IPv6 Packets

 RFC2460 defines the extension headers as shown in the following table along with the Next Header values assigned to them:
Table 1. IPv6 Extension Headers and their Recommended Order in a Packet
Header Type
Next Header Code
Basic IPv6 Header
Hop-by-Hop Options
Destination Options (with Routing Options)
Routing Header
Fragment Header
Authentication Header
Encapsulation Security Payload Header
Destination Options
Mobility Header

No next header
Upper Layer
Upper Layer
Upper Layer
RFC2460 also recommends the order in which they should be chained in an IPv6 packet:



ip policy route-map clear-df

route-map clear-df permit 10
 match ip address 111 101
 set ip df 0

access-list 101 permit tcp any any
access-list 111 permit tcp any any


So for a standard Ethernet connection with minimum size IP and TCP headers we subtract 40 bytes from the 1500 byte standard packet size (minus the Ethernet Header) leaving us with an MSS of 1460 bytes for data transmission.




PC1#ping size 200  repeat 1

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1, 200-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (1/1), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 ms

PC1#ping size 2000  repeat 1

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1, 2000-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (1/1), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 ms

R3(PKTS:1 of 10)#show all

#      TD interface summary                                relative time length
1       I Et0/1     IP ICMP (Echo Request)                       3.827999   214
2       O Et0/1     IP ICMP (Echo Reply)                         3.831999   214
3       I Et0/1     IP OSPF (Hello)                              4.411999    94
4       O Et0/1     IP OSPF (Hello)                              7.063999    94
5       I Et0/1     IP ICMP (Echo Request)                       7.163999  1514
6       I Et0/1     IP                                           7.163999   534
7       O Et0/1     IP ICMP (Echo Reply)                         7.167999  1514
8       O Et0/1     IP                                           7.167999   534
9       O Et0/1     KeepAlive                                    8.891999    60
10      O Et0/1     CDP (R3)(Linux Unix)(Ethernet0/1)           10.371999   327

R3(PKTS:1 of 10)#show 1
04:49:33.379 CET Sun Jul 19 2015                 Relative Time: 3.827999
Packet 1 of 10                                   In: Ethernet0/1

Ethernet Packet:  214 bytes
      Dest Addr: AABB.CC00.0310,   Source Addr: AABB.CC00.0210
      Protocol: 0x0800

IP    Version: 0x4,  HdrLen: 0x5,  TOS: 0x00
      Length: 200,   ID: 0x0014,   Flags-Offset: 0x0000
      TTL: 254,   Protocol: 1 (ICMP),   Checksum: 0x34CA (OK)
      Source:,     Dest:

ICMP  Type: 8,   Code: 0  (Echo Request)
      Checksum: 0x3415 (OK)
      Identifier: 0004,  Sequence: 0000

R3(PKTS:1 of 10)#show 5
04:49:36.715 CET Sun Jul 19 2015                 Relative Time: 7.163999
Packet 5 of 10                                   In: Ethernet0/1

Ethernet Packet:  1514 bytes
      Dest Addr: AABB.CC00.0310,   Source Addr: AABB.CC00.0210
      Protocol: 0x0800

IP    Version: 0x4,  HdrLen: 0x5,  TOS: 0x00
      Length: 1500,   ID: 0x0015,   Flags-Offset: 0x2000 (more fragments)
      TTL: 254,   Protocol: 1 (ICMP),   Checksum: 0x0FB5 (OK)
      Source:,     Dest:

ICMP  Type: 8,   Code: 0  (Echo Request)
      Checksum: 0x27FC ERROR: C6D9
      Identifier: 0005,  Sequence: 0000
Echo Data:

R3(PKTS:5 of 10)#show 6
04:49:36.715 CET Sun Jul 19 2015                 Relative Time: 7.163999
Packet 6 of 10                                   In: Ethernet0/1

Ethernet Packet:  534 bytes
      Dest Addr: AABB.CC00.0310,   Source Addr: AABB.CC00.0210
      Protocol: 0x0800

IP    Version: 0x4,  HdrLen: 0x5,  TOS: 0x00
      Length: 520,   ID: 0x0015,   Flags-Offset: 0x00B9
      TTL: 254,   Protocol: 1 (ICMP),   Checksum: 0x32D0 (OK)
      Source:,     Dest:


Los routers IPv6 no hacen fragmentación. Los nodos IPv6 requieren ya sea hacer descubrimiento de MTU, realizar fragmentación extremo a extremo o enviar paquetes menores al MTU mínimo de IPv6 de 1280 bytes

Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD) is a standardized technique in computer networking for determining the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size on the network path between two Internet Protocol (IP) hosts, usually with the goal of avoiding IP fragmentation. PMTUD was originally intended for routers in Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4).[1] However, all modern operating systems use it on endpoints. In IPv6, this function has been explicitly delegated to the end points of a communications session.[2]
For IPv4 packets, Path MTU Discovery works by setting the Don't Fragment (DF) option bit in the IP headers of outgoing packets. Then, any device along the path whose MTU is smaller than the packet will drop it, and send back an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Fragmentation Needed (Type 3, Code 4) message containing its MTU, allowing the source host to reduce its Path MTU appropriately. The process is repeated until the MTU is small enough to traverse the entire path without fragmentation.

PC1#ping P5 size 1500 repeat 1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:4:5:0:A8BB:CCFF:FE00:510, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (1/1), round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms

PC1#ping P5 size 4500 repeat 1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1, 4500-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:4:5:0:A8BB:CCFF:FE00:510, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (1/1), round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms

R3(PKTS:2 of 7)#show all

#      TD interface summary                                relative time length
1       I Et0/1     IPv6 ICMPv6 (Echo Request)                   2.499999  1514
2       I Et0/1     IPv6 (Frag)                                  3.703999  1510
3       I Et0/1     IPv6 (Frag)                                  3.707999  1510
4       I Et0/1     IPv6 (Frag)                                  3.707999  1510
5       I Et0/1     IPv6 (Frag)                                  3.707999   178
6       I Et0/1     IP OSPF (Hello)                              5.283999    94
7       I Et0/1     IPv6 OSPF (Hello)                            7.035999    94

R3(PKTS:2 of 7)#

R3(PKTS:2 of 7)# show 1
18:32:55.171 CET Sun Jul 19 2015                 Relative Time: 2.499999
Packet 1 of 7                                    In: Ethernet0/1

Ethernet Packet:  1514 bytes
      Dest Addr: AABB.CC00.0310,   Source Addr: AABB.CC00.0210
      Protocol: 0x86DD

IPV6  Version: 0x6,  Traffic_Class: 0x0,
      Flow_Label: 0x000000,   Payload_Length: 1460
      Next_Header: 58,   Hop_Limit: 63
      Source: 2001:1::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:100
      Dest: 2001:4:5::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:510

ICMPv6 Type: 128,   Code: 0  (Echo Request)
      Checksum: 0xC1E6 (OK)
      Identifier: 1E56,  Sequence: 0000
      Echo Data:

R3(PKTS:1 of 7)# show 2
18:32:56.375 CET Sun Jul 19 2015                 Relative Time: 3.703999
Packet 2 of 7                                    In: Ethernet0/1

Ethernet Packet:  1510 bytes
      Dest Addr: AABB.CC00.0310,   Source Addr: AABB.CC00.0210
      Protocol: 0x86DD

IPV6  Version: 0x6,  Traffic_Class: 0x0,
      Flow_Label: 0x000000,   Payload_Length: 1456
      Next_Header: 44,   Hop_Limit: 63
      Source: 2001:1::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:100
      Dest: 2001:4:5::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:510
  IPv6 Option: 44 (Fragmentation Option)
      Next Header: 58,  Frag Offset: 0 (0 bytes), Mflag: 1 (More)
      Identification: 10

ICMPv6 Type: 128,   Code: 0  (Echo Request)
      Checksum: 0xBC3F ERROR: E175
      Identifier: 247B,  Sequence: 0000
      Echo Data:
R3(PKTS:2 of 7)# show 3
18:32:56.379 CET Sun Jul 19 2015                 Relative Time: 3.707999
Packet 3 of 7                                    In: Ethernet0/1

Ethernet Packet:  1510 bytes
      Dest Addr: AABB.CC00.0310,   Source Addr: AABB.CC00.0210
      Protocol: 0x86DD

IPV6  Version: 0x6,  Traffic_Class: 0x0,
      Flow_Label: 0x000000,   Payload_Length: 1456
      Next_Header: 44,   Hop_Limit: 63
      Source: 2001:1::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:100
      Dest: 2001:4:5::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:510
  IPv6 Option: 44 (Fragmentation Option)
      Next Header: 58,  Frag Offset: 181 (1448 bytes), Mflag: 1 (More)
      Identification: 10

IPv4 and IPv6 PMTU

IPv6 MTU Path Discovery

As in IPv4, path MTU discovery in IPv6 allows a host to dynamically discover and adjust to differences in the MTU size of every link along a given data path. In IPv6, however, fragmentation is handled by the source of a packet when the path MTU of one link along a given data path is not large enough to accommodate the size of the packets. Having IPv6 hosts handle packet fragmentation saves IPv6 device processing resources and helps IPv6 networks run more efficiently.

In IPv6, the minimum link MTU is 1280 octets. We recommend using an MTU value of 1500 octets for IPv6 links.

With IPv6 path MTU discovery, a device originating IPv6 traffic has an MTU cache that contains MTU values received in ICMPv6 "toobig" messages. In order to prevent an attacker from filling the MTU cache, the device keeps track of the destinations to which it has originated (sent) traffic, and only accepts toobig ICMPv6 messages that have an inner destination matching one of these tracked destinations. 

If a malicious device can learn to which destination the device is originating traffic, it could still send a toobig ICMPv6 message to the device for this destination, even if the attacker is not on the path to this destination, and succeeds in forcing his entry into the MTU cache. The device then starts fragmenting traffic to this destination, which significantly affects device performance. 

Enabling flow-label marking for locally generated traffic can mitigate this attack. Originated packets are marked with a flow label (which is randomly generated and changed every minute), and toobig messages received are checked against the values sent. Unless an attacker can snoop traffic, the attacker will not know which flow label to use, and its toobig message will be dropped.

How to Configure IPv6 MTU Path Discovery

Enabling Flow-Label Marking in Packets that Originate from the Device
This feature allows the device to track destinations to which the device has sent packets that are 1280 bytes or larger.
1.    enable
2.    configure terminal
3.    ipv6 flowset
4.   exit
5.    clear ipv6 mtu

Explain TCP and UDP operations
The TCP and UDP are the most major protocols which are operating at the transport layer. Both the protocols will operate in a different manner and it will be selected based on the requirements only. TCP stands for the transmission control protocol, which guarantees the data packet delivery. And UDP stands for the User datagram protocol which operates in the datagram mode. TCP is the connections oriented protocol, whereas the UDP is the connection less protocol. Here, you can learn the TCP and UDP operations in the following sections:

1.4 Explain TCP operations
The TCP is referred as the reliable protocol, which is responsible for breaking up the messages into the TCP segments as well as resembling it in a receiving side. The major purpose of the TCP is to give the reliable and secure logical connection, service or circuit between the pairs of the processes. To offer this type of service on top of the less reliable internet communication system needs facilities in areas such as security, precedence, multiplexing, reliability, connections and basic data transfer. The main purpose of the TCP is flow control and error recovery. As it is connection based protocol, which means that before allowing any data it accomplishes connections and also terminates it upon completion. 

During the connection, accomplishment both server and client agree upon the sequence and also acknowledge numbers. The implicit client notifies the server of its source ports. The sequence is the characteristic of the TCP data segment. This sequence begins with the random number and each time the new packet is sent, then the sequence is incremented by a number of bytes sent in the previous segment of the TCP. Acknowledge segment is moreover the same, but from a receiver side. This does not comprise data and are equal to the sender's sequence numbers increased by the number of the received bytes. The ACK segment acknowledges that the host has got the sent data. 

TCP is the connection oriented protocol, that means the devices must open the connection before transferring data and must lose a connection gracefully after transferring the data. It also assures the reliable data delivery to the destinations. This protocol offers the extensive error checking mechanisms, including the acknowledge of data and flow control as mentioned above. The TCP is relatively slow because of the extensive error checking mechanisms only. Demultiplexing as well as multiplexing is greatly possible in the TCP by means of the TCP port numbers and also retransmission of the lost packets is merely possible in the TCP.

1.4 a Ipv4 and Ipv6 (P) MTU

The larger Maximum transmission unit - MTU will bring greater efficiency. This MTU is the needed concept in the packet switching systems. The Path MTU equals to the smallest link MTU on the path from the source to destination. Let us come to the Path MTU that relies on the TCP to probe an internet path with the progressively larger packets. It is the most efficient one when used in the conjunction with an ICMP based path MTU mechanism as indicated in the RFC 1191 and RFC 1981, but it resolves many robustness problems of the techniques which are classic, since it will never depend on the ICMP message delivery. 

The internet protocol version 6 is also known as the IP next generation. It was specially proposed by the IETTF as the successor to the internet protocol version 4. The most significant difference between version 4 and 6 is the version 6 increases an IP address size from the 32 bits - 128 bits.

The links that the packet passes through the source to the destination has a variety of different MTU. In the IPv6, when the packet size exceeds the MTU link, then the packet can be fragmented at a source so as to deduce the forwarding device processing pressure and also utilize the network resource rationally. The PMTU mechanism is to identify the minimum MTU on the source to destination path.


The MSS is defined as the maximum segment size. It is the parameter of the TCP protocol which specifies the largest data amount. The default TCP MSS is 536. Each of the TCP device has associated with it the ceiling on TCP size. The segment size that does not exceed regardless of how large the current window was. This is called as the maximum segment size. To decide how much data to put into the segment, every device in the TCP connections will choose the quantity based on the current size of the window, in conjunction with a various algorithm, but it does not as so large that the quantity of data exceeds the maximum segment size of the device to which it was sent. 

It is the largest quantity of data that a communication or computer device can handle in the single, unfragmented piece. For the optimum communications, then the number of bytes in a data segment as well as the header must include less than the number of the bytes in an MTU. This MSS is the most essential consideration in the internet connections, especially in web browsing. 

When an internet TCP is used to gain the internet connection, then the computers which are connected must agree on and set, the maximum transmission unit size acceptable to both. The typical MTU size in the TCP for the home computer, internet connections are either 1500 or 576 bytes. The headers are mostly 40 bytes long and the MSS is equal to a difference, either 1460 or 536 bytes. In some cases, the MTU size is less than the 576 bytes and data segments has smaller than the 536 bytes. As the data is routed over the internet, it has to pass via multiple gateway routers.

 Most ideally, each data segment may pass via each router without getting fragmented. Suppose, the data segment size is relatively too large for any routers via which the data passes, then the oversize segment are fragmented. It will slow down the speed of the connection as viewed by the computer operator. In some instance this slowdown is really dramatic. The likelihood of the such kind of fragmentation may be minimized by maintaining the MSS as small as much as possible. For most of the computer operators, the MSS will set automatically by an operating system.

1.4.c Latency

The speed of the each data transfer like the TCP is about the use largely determined by a line speed. The delay is considered as round trip time- RTT of the each data packet. Regardless of the speed of a processor or software efficiency, it takes the finite amount of the time to manipulate and also present the data. Whether an application is the web page showing the live camera or latest news shot showing the traffic jam, there are so many methods in which the application can be affected by the latency. There are 4 key causes of the latency are: data protocols, propagation delay, serialization, switching a routing, buffing and queuing. Any time the client computer asks the server a, there is an RTT delay until that receives the response. The data packet has to travel through the number of high traffic router and also there was always a speed of light as the limitation, considering a huge distance of the internet communication.

1.4.d Windowing

The throughput of the communication is limited by the 2 windows such as congestion window and receive window. Each of the TCP segments comprises the current value of a receive window. The TCP windowing concept is mainly used to avoid the congestion in the traffic. It also controls the quantity of the unacknowledged data that a sender may send before it get an acknowledgement back from a receiver which it has received it.

1.4.e Bandwidth-delay product

The Bandwidth delay product - BDP determines the quantity of the data which can be transmitted in a network. It is the most important concept in the window based protocol like TCP, as the throughput is bound by a BDP. The TCP receive window and BDP limit the connection to the products of the latency as well as the bandwidth. The transmission will not exceed a RWIN/ latency value. The amount of the data to send prior that should reasonably expect an acknowledgement.

1.4.f Global synchronization

The TCP global synchronization in the computer networks will happen to the TCP flows during the period of congestions because every sender will deduce their transmission rates at a same time when packet loss occur. All the TCP streams will behave in the same way, so it will become as synchronized eventually, increasing to cause the congestion as well as backing off at the roughly same rates. It causes the most familiar bandwidth utilization graphs called the saw tooth. The WRED and RED will assist to alleviate it.

1.5 Describe UDP operations

The user datagram protocol - UDP is the datagram oriented protocol without overhead for opening the connection with the help of 3 way handshake, closing the connection and maintaining the connection. This UDP is very efficient for the multicast or broadcast type of the network transmission. It has only the error checking mechanism with the help of checksums. There are no sequencing of the data in the UDP and the delivery of the data cannot be guaranteed in that. It is simpler, more efficient and faster than the TCP. Although, UDP is less robust than the TCP. Here demultiplexing and multiplexing are possible in the UDP by means of the UDP port numbers. Additionally, there is no transmission of the lost packets in the UDP. 

As it is a connectionless protocol, it is not at all reliable protocols when compared to the TCP. It is capable to perform the fundamental error checking too. It will never offer any sequencing of the data. Hence, the data will arrive at the destination device in the various orders from which it is sent. This will occur in the large networks like the internet, where datagrams takes various paths to a destination and also experience the delay in the different router. The UDP is generally the IP with the transport layer port addressing. Sometimes this UDP is also known as the wrapper protocol.
The last 16 digits are reserved for a checksum value in the UDP header. This checksum is used as the error detection tool. The checksum field also includes the 12 bytes pseudo header which includes the destination and source IP addresses. This pseudo header is the most useful one to check the IP datagram arrived at the station.

1.5.a Starvation

The TCP starvation or UDP dominance is experienced at the congestions time where the TCP and UDP streams are assigned to a same class. Because the UDP has no flow control which cause it to back off while congestion taking place, but TCP does, this TCP ends up backing off and also allowing even many bandwidth to the UDP streams to a point where the UDP takes it over completely. It is not assisted by WRED as drops caused by the WRED will not affect the UDP streams. The best possible way to resolve the issue is to classify the TCP and UDP streams separately in the possible way.

1.5.b Latency

The latency is the end to end delay. As mentioned above, the UDP is connectionless, the real effect of the latency on the UDP stream is that there would be a great delay in between the sender and the receiver. The jitter is the variance in the latency. It causes problems with the UDP stream. The Jiffer can be smoothed by buffering.
From the above session, it is possible to learn the TCP and UDP operations in details. In that it is essential to learn more about the difference between those 2 operations too. The connection and connectionless protocols are used in a variety of things depends upon the usage and requirements of the things. This thorough explanation will help to understand the operations as well MSS, latency, global synchronization, bandwidth-delay product, windowing, and IPv4 and IPv6 P MTU under TCP and latency and starvation under the UDP operations.

Recognize the proposed changes to the network
It is essential to recognize the changes to a network to operate the network without any issues. By learning the changes and impact or effect of the existing network infrastructure, one can able to perform the tasks in a better way. In the following sections, let us see the about the changes to routing he protocol parameters, migrate parts of the network to IPv6 and routing protocol migration. 

1.6.a Changes to routing Protocol parameters

The routing protocol helps to specify how routers communicate with the each other which enables to select routes between any 2 nodes on the computer network. The routing protocol will share the information among the immediate neighbors at first and throughout the network. In this way, the routers gain the knowledge of the network topology. The routing protocols can be classified mainly into 3 different groups such as behavior, operation and purpose. 

The changes include things such as metrics, redistribution, additional routes. The right selection of the routing protocol for the network is mostly sensitive tasks and difficult to understand in some cases. It is essential to consider many factors, ranging from the speed of convergence and protocol scalability via the advanced feature, ends with the compatibility problem, particularly in the multi vendor environment, all are related to the network requirement and design only. As the networks evolved, it may become need to reevaluate a choice of the particular routing protocol. If it is defined as inappropriate, then it required to be replaced.

The migration from the 1 routing protocol to the other is mostly the disruptive change to a network. It needs the careful planning to reduce the outages as well as even, it was inevitable, however its duration can be maintained very low. Hence, the routing protocol migration always needs the maintenance window.

The point to point protocol is the form of serial line data encapsulation. It can negotiate the connection parameters like speed along with an ability to support the CHAp and PAP use authentication. 

The routing protocols are most often used in the implementation of the routing algorithms to offer the facility to exchange the routing information in between the networks, which allows the routers to build the routing table dynamically. In some instances, the routing protocols will run over routed protocols themselves. If the BGP run over the TCP then take is important in the implementation of that system for not to create the circular dependency between the routed protocols and routing protocols. 

The routing metric is one of the parameters which consist of the value used by the algorithms to examine to choose one route over the other. The metrics take into consideration such information like delay, bandwidth, load, MTU, cost, reliability, MTU, and hop count. A routing table stores, the best routes which is possible, when the topological databases or link state may store all the other information well.
The border gateway protocol routes traffic in between the autonomous systems. It is the very scalable and robust routing protocol. To gain the scalability, the BGP uses the many routes parameters such as attributes which helps to define the routing policies as well as keep the routing environment.

1.6.b Migrate Parts of the Networks to Ipv6

IPv6 is the next generation protocol, which is the only internet protocol in use. Even though IPv6 is not al compatible with the IPv4, to ensure the business continuity and growth, all the organizations require to carefully plan for the coexistence between the IPv4 as well as IPv6. There plenty small business that runs with the IPV6 phase.

There are so many factors involved in the migrate parts of the networks to IPv6. As the technology moves forward with the recent technology with the new standard, the migration to IPv6 is an important one in the day to day tasks. For the most part, the migration to the IPv6 will take associated planning and time to assure the integrity of the existing networks. It will need to upgrade or replace the older equipment such as routers, switches, firewalls, endpoint devices and also other security elements. 

This migration mainly involves looking at the IPv6 transition mechanism such as toredo, Dual stack, ISATAP, 6 to 4 tunnels and much more. It also includes the I,pact on the existing interoperability, services and etc. 

In that the Teredo is the mechanism in the windows systems which is used to provide the single system behind the IPv4 Nat access to the IPv6. Like version 6 to 4, it uses the public relays. The teredo combines it with the setup protocol with the help of teredo servers to detect and break via the IPv4 NAT. This is not all reliable but the teredo is used when the explicitly connected to the IPv6 address and not while connecting to the hostname and also looking for the DNS addresses. It happens while using the BitTorrent and the lesser reliability is not a big matter. 

The IPv6 transition mechanism is the technology which facilitates transitioning of the internet from the current or initial infrastructure to a successor addressing and the routing system of the IPv6. The IPv6 is not able to interoperable directly, this technology is designed to permit the hosts on either the network to allow the networking with the other networks. The tunnel broker combines the several IPv6 mechanisms of migration and also enables the users to use it. This transition is provided by the tunnel broker is the IPv6 in IPv4 tunneling, with the help of the 6in4, AYIYA or TSp tunnels. 

1.6.c Routing protocol migration

The routing protocol is the protocol used by the router to identify the appropriate path over which data is transmitted. It also specifies how the routers in the network share the information with one another and report changes. This protocol enables the network to make the dynamic adjustment to its condition. Hence the routing decisions cannot be predetermined and static. 

Each routing protocol is assigned a default AD- administrative distance. This term is something of the misnomer and instead of effecting any of the metric calculations within the protocol, the AD is simply the way to prefer 1 routing protocol over the other. If the router has learned of the route through both EIGRP and OSPF. In certain case, it will prefer a route learned through the EIGRP regardless of the metric because the EIGRP has the lowest default administrative distance. 

The defaults can also be modified by the any number lies in between 1 to 255. It can especially handy while migrating from the 1 routing protocol to the other. Suppose, migrating a network from the Is IS to the OSPF. As default, the routers will start to follow the OSPF routes as soon it is done within the single maintenance window to omit the disruption, which is really tough in pratical, especially on the larger networks. 

The routing protocol migration will always need the maintenance window. This routing migration is generally established in the below steps:

·         Plan the strategy for migration
·         Activate a new routing protocol on the entire router in a topology, raising the AD above the AD of a current IGP. If a new IGP is the EIGRP or RIP, the redistributions from a current into a new IGP needs to be configured on every router also. A current IGP is the left intact.
·         Verify a new IGP adjacencies and an optional working database content.
·         Deactivate a current IGP in the gradual fashion.
·         Remove all the temporary settings from a new IGP

In the above, planning the migration strategy is more important than anything. The deployment of the new routing protocol must pre planned for all the network, such as split of the network as areas if the link state IGP has to be used, filtration or prefix summarization, external information redistribution and stub features and much more. This type of planning must involve the right order in which the routers will be migrated through from a current IGP to a new one. In the ideal, the router has to be migrated so that it forms the contiguous and ever growing part of a network running a new IGP, then shrinking the contiguous remainders of a network in which both the new and current IGP are run gradually. If a current IGP is the link state protocol, then it is advisable to do the migration in the per area fashion. A backbone routers must be the last one to migrate. 

The routing protocol migration includes the manipulating metrics, administrative distances and redistribution and much. In order to migrate, it is essential to determine the EIGRP or IGRP network design and scope of OSPF areas, according to the number of the EIGRP or IGRP routers. According to planning the migration, the new IGP must be activated on a router in a network, the first setting its AD to higher value than a current Ad of IGP, and only adding the networking and interfaces to a new IGP and also activating the selected features. A current IGP is kept running and the configuration remains constant throughout the entire steps. 

If a current IGP uses the different administrative distance for the various network types, a new administrative distance of IGP has to be reconfigured as higher that of the AD which is used by an existing IGP. The new IGP can also be deployed over a network, making adjacencies between the routers as normal, but it will never influence the routing and routing table simply yet. If a new IGP is the distance vector type routing protocol, then every router must be configured with the redistribution from a current IGP into a new IGP. After a new IGP configuration over all the networks, it must create adjacencies in usual fashion despites a routing table is not populated by the routes yet. Those adjacencies must be verified to ensure the completeness. After IGP is deactivated, the adjacency is the only routing protocol adjacency kept left in between the migrated routers. It has to work as expected before a current IGP begins being removed. It is recommended to check the working database content in a new IGP to analyze whether all the expected networks are there or not. As the result, if a new IGP is EIGRP or RIP, then the working database can contain partial content only until the migration begins inducing the verification before the migration impossible. After this stage, the routing protocol migration will involve removing or deactivate the current IGP from the contiguous set of the routers. Then finally, remove all the temporary settings from a new IGP.

With migration by means of redistribution, then the migration is staged as the series of smaller steps. In the every step, the part of the network will convert from the old to a new routing protocol. In the huge networks, the approach with AD might use to support that type of conversion. In the smaller network, the simpler approach or an overnight cutover is sufficient. To offer the full connectivity at the time of migration by redistribution, then a boundary routers in between the 2 parts of a network has to redistribute bidirectionally between the protocols. The filtering through the tags is one among the simple method to manage this when compared to others. A boundary routers will move as more as possible about the region is migrated. 

The network has become the critical resource and the organizations requires strategies to strengthen the continuity as well as to improve the network. It includes the capability to predict, avoid as well as lessen the costly network effects and service disruption and provides the confidence to adapt the networking to face the changes. It is very, very essential to recognize the proposed changes to the network. It has been carried out different techniques such as routing protocol migration, migrate parts of the network of internet protocol version -6 and changes to the routing protocol parameters. This technique will help a lot to diagnose the effect and also gives effective knowledge to avoid the problems. This will make the greatest impact on the network as well.

Network troubleshooting

Use IOS troubleshooting tools   

Cisco is more than just a hardware company. Cisco IOS provides you with powerful diagnostic programs such as show, ping, trace, log, and debug commands. Mastering them is important because some of these can be simple tools that can still save you a great deal of time.

Table 2-1 and the following sections review some basic IOS troubleshooting tools. The objectives here are to review the output and summarize the importance of the commands so that you can put them to practical use. Many times it is advantageous if you can physically inspect the hardware, such as the equipment, cables, and connectors; but maybe you can't. Lots of times you are remote to the problem, depending on your scenario, so it is critical to know the tools innate to the IOS to assist you.

Review Chapter 1, "Shooting Trouble," to make sure you have an understanding of protocol technical characteristics and a systematic method for troubleshooting.
Table 2-1. IOS Troubleshooting Tools
Cisco Command
A snapshot of what is occurring to monitor status. The show commands enable you to detect neighbors, spot performance issues, and isolate problems.
Determine end-to-end connectivity and reachability.
Hop-by-hop approach to finding the problem.
Monitor and view messages that record real-time events, such as errors, warnings, and state transitions.
Use for troubleshooting traffic flow or misconfigurations; not for normal daily operations.

Extended Ping Options
Default is IP.
Target IP address:
Destination host name or IP address.
Repeat count[5]:
Number of ping packets. Default is 5 ping packets.
Datagram size [100]:
Size of ping packets. Default size of the ping packet is 100 bytes.
Timeout in seconds[2]:
Default timeout interval is 2 seconds.
Extended commands[n]:
Default is no extended commands, but you can type Y to indicate you want a series of additional commands to appear. Some of these commands follow.
Source address or interface:
Set the source address in the ping packet.
Type of service [0]:
TOS selection. Default is 0.
Set DF bit in IP header? [no]:
Don't fragment. Drop and send error message instead. Helps determine the smallest MTU in the path. Default is no.
Validate reply data? [no]:
Specify whether to validate the reply data. Default is no.
Data pattern [0xABCD]:
Default is ABCD, but varying to all 1s or 0s can be helpful when debugging channel service units/data service units (CSUs/DSUs) or detecting cable problems such as crosstalk.
Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]:
The default is none. Other header options include the following:
Loose— List of nodes that must be traversed
Strict— List of nodes that must be the only nodes traversed
Record— Path
Timestamp— Times
Verbose— Detailed information
Sweep range of sizes[n]:
Vary the size of the echo packets being sent. Useful to determine the minimum MTUs configured from the source to destination. Reduce performance problems related to fragmentation.
Each bang (!) indicates the receipt of a reply, whereas a period (.) indicates a timeout while waiting for a reply.
Success rate is 100 percent
100 percent or 5/5 is obviously what you want to see, not the 0/5, which most definitely indicates a problem at L3 or below. If the success rate is less than 100 percent, remember to ping again for best results. When the success rate is 4/5 (or 80 percent) in a Cisco environment, I normally just write it off to ARP performing its duties.
Round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/4 ms
Round-trip minimum/average/maximum milliseconds for the reply packet.
Type ping and press Enter to specify the extended protocol options in Example 2-24.
Example 2-24. Cisco Extended Ping
Protocol [ip]:
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]:
Datagram size [100]:
Timeout in seconds [2]:
Extended commands [n]: y
Source address or interface:
Type of service [0]:
Set DF bit in IP header? [no]:
Validate reply data? [no]:
Data pattern [0xABCD]:
Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]:
Sweep range of sizes [n]:
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)

Table 2-5. traceroute Characters
nn msec
Round-trip time per probe in milliseconds.
The probe timed out.
Unknown packet type.
Administratively unreachable; check for access list issues.
Host unreachable.
Network unreachable.
Protocol unreachable.
Source quench.
Port unreachable. Probe received but discarded because it could not deliver to the application.
Now that I have introduced a few tools, I want you to refer back to the practical examples provided thus far, if necessary, to help troubleshoot a particular problem in Example 2-25. The chapter scenario is pictured in Figure 2-2 for your convenience. I am on r2 trying to ping the far side of r1. This worked in my earlier test when I added RIP, but I can't ping now.
Example 2-25. Trace Troubleshooting
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
  1  *  *  *
  2  *  *  *
  3  *  *

Apply troubleshooting methodologies

Troubleshooting Methodologies

Troubleshooting is not an exact science, and a particular problem can be diagnosed and sometimes even solved in many different ways. However, when you perform structured troubleshooting, you make continuous progress, and usually solve the problems faster than it would take using an ad hoc approach. There are many different structured troubleshooting approaches. For some problems, one method might work better, whereas for others, another method might be more suitable. Therefore, it is beneficial for the troubleshooter to be familiar with a variety of structured approaches and select the best method or combination of methods to solve a particular problem.

Troubleshooting Principles

Troubleshooting is the process that leads to the diagnosis and, if possible, resolution of a problem. Troubleshooting is usually triggered when a person reports a problem. Some people say that a problem does not exist until it is noticed, perceived as a problem, and reported as a problem. This implies that you need to differentiate between a problem, as experienced by the user, and the actual cause of that problem. The time a problem is reported is not necessarily the same time at which the event causing the problem happened. Also, the reporting user generally equates the problem to the symptoms, whereas the troubleshooter often equates the problem to the root cause. For example, if the Internet connection fails on Saturday in a small company, it is usually not a problem, but you can be sure that it will turn into a problem on Monday morning if it is not fixed before then. Although this distinction between symptoms and cause of a problem might seem philosophical, you need to be aware of the potential communication issues that might arise from it.

Generally, reporting of a problem triggers the troubleshooting process. Troubleshooting starts by defining the problem. The second step is diagnosing the problem during which information is gathered, the problem definition is refined, and possible causes for the problem are proposed. Eventually this process should lead to a hypothesis for the root cause of the problem. At this time, possible solutions need to be proposed and evaluated. Next, the best solution is selected and implemented. Figure 2-1 illustrates the main elements of a structured troubleshooting approach and the transition possibilities from one step to the next.

Diagnosis is the process of identifying the nature and cause of a problem. The main elements of this process are as follows:
·         Gathering information: Gathering information happens after the problem has been reported by the user (or anyone). This might include interviewing all parties (user) involved, plus any other means to gather relevant information. Usually, the problem report does not contain enough information to formulate a good hypothesis without first gathering more information. Information and symptoms can be gathered directly, by observing processes, or indirectly, by executing tests.
·         Analyzing information: After the gathered information has been analyzed, the troubleshooter compares the symptoms against his knowledge of the system, processes, and baselines to separate normal behavior from abnormal behavior.
·         Eliminating possible causes: By comparing the observed behavior against expected behavior, some of the possible problems causes are eliminated.
·         Formulating a hypothesis: After gathering and analyzing information and eliminating the possible causes, one or more potential problem causes remain. The probability of each of these causes will have to be assessed and the most likely cause proposed as the hypothetical cause of the problem.
·         Testing the hypothesis: The hypothesis must be tested to confirm or deny that it is the actual cause of the problem. The simplest way to do this is by proposing a solution based on this hypothesis, implementing that solution, and verifying whether this solved the problem. If this method is impossible or disruptive, the hypothesis can be strengthened or invalidated by gathering and analyzing more information.

 Cisco IOS embedded Packet Capture

Product Architecture
The Cisco IOS Embedded Packet Capture is a software feature consisting of infrastructure to allow for packet data to be captured at various points in the packet-processing path. The network administrator may define the capture buffer size and type (circular, or linear) and the maximum number of bytes of each packet to capture. The packet capture rate can be throttled using further administrative controls. For example, options allow for filtering the packets to be captured using an Access Control List (ACL) and, optionally, further defined by specifying a maximum packet capture rate or by specifying a sampling interval.
CLI commands are available for controlling the packet capture buffer (defining, clearing, destroying, and displaying). EXEC-level commands initiate and terminate captures at defined capture points.
The feature currently allows for capture points at the ingress and egress interfaces for Cisco Express Forwarding path and the process-switching path. Both IPv4 and IPv6 packets may be captured.
Packet data may be displayed in hex and ASCII on the CLI, or may be exported using typical file transfer methods such as a PCAP-formatted file that may be further analyzed using the open-source tool Wireshark.
Figure 1. Embedded Packet Capture 

Cisco IOS Embedded Packet Capture extends the embedded management capabilities of Cisco IOS and provides another powerful tool to help resolve application and network problems. It can be particularly useful in situations where it is not practical or desirable to tap into the network using a stand-alone packet-sniffing tool, or when the need arises to remotely debug or troubleshoot issues.
Feature Specifications
Please use the Cisco IOS Feature Navigator application on to check the latest information on software and product availability. Go to
The following table includes the EPC feature availability information.
Table 1. Feature Specifications

Product Compatibility
EPC is available for the Cisco Integrated Services Routers, and the Cisco 7200 Series Routers
Software Compatibility
EPC is available in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(20)T and future versions
Software Packaging
Please refer to the Cisco IOS Feature Navigator for the latest packaging information
System Requirements
The EPC software subsystem will consume CPU and memory resources in its operation. Customers should examine the operation in their environment to ensure resources exist for their specific scenarios. Some basic guidelines are included in Table 2.
Table 2. System Requirements

CPU utilization requirements are platform dependent
The packet buffer is stored in DRAM; The size of the packet buffer is user specified
Disk Space
Packets can be exported to external systems; No intermediate storage on flash disk is required

 Commands EPC 

1-Definimos el tamaño del archivo en el cual vamos a guardar la captura:

R1#monitor capture buffer buffer-test size 100

2-Definimos la interface que queremos analizar, en esta caso especifico todas

R1#monitor capture point ip cef capture-test all both

3-Asociamos el buffer creado en el paso 1 con la interface que utilizaremos:

R1#monitor capture point associate capture-test buffer-test

4-Iniciamos la captura.

R1#monitor capture point start capture-test

5-validamos EPC que esté funcionando capturando el trafico llega a la interface.

6-Detener la captura.

R1#monitor capture point stop capture-test

7-El feature nos permiderevisar la captura desde el router donde realizamos la recopilación de información:

R1#show monitor capture buffer buffer-test

8-Exportamos el archivo para analizarlo usando Wireshark

R1#monitor capture buffer-test export tftp://IP/Path/